August 23, 2011DRAWINGS, Portraits Wind vs Gravity Another drawing exercise inspired by a photo on the internet. Wind-blown hair is always intriguing. When the hair is wet it adds […]
July 29, 2011PAINTINGS, Portraits Learning To Wink With hard work and patience we can learn to do just about anything. Learning to wink, for example. And once a task […]
July 23, 2011DRAWINGS, Portraits Umbrella Princesses Dressing up is just part of being a little girl. Colored pencil on bristol board, 10″ X 12″
March 29, 2011July 22, 2011DRAWINGS, Portraits, Sports and Recreation Soccer Field Medic One of the more important duties that come with being a youth coach is acting as an on-the-spot medic for all the […]
March 14, 2011CARTOONS, Portraits Sláinte According to family tradition I have some Irish in me. But then again, as a typical American, I have a mixed heritage. […]
March 11, 2011July 22, 2011DRAWINGS, Portraits Two More Dentists That family of dentists continues to grow. About a year and a half ago I posted a conglomerate of drawings of four […]
March 3, 2011July 22, 2011DRAWINGS, Portraits Resting Dancer Darn. I never could get the color settings right. The original has a slightly more blue tint to it, including the color […]
January 17, 2011July 22, 2011DRAWINGS, History, Political, Justice, Media, Portraits Martin Luther King, Jr. In an atmosphere teeming with violence this man of faith, a true American hero, insisted on unrelenting yet peaceful means to bring […]
January 6, 2011DRAWINGS, Portraits Aquarium Discovery “Look! A turtle!” Outings with the grandkids offer unending sources for inspiration. This drawing was inspired by a visit to the aquarium. […]
November 22, 2010DRAWINGS, Portraits Girl in Blue Scarf There’s nothing very special about this quick pastel sketch. It was done just for practice and exercise. I used a photo out […]