June 12, 2016DRAWINGS, Portraits Girl With Red Bow Archives: Quick sketch. Chalk pastels on Bristol board, 10″ x 12″
June 5, 2016DRAWINGS, Portraits Brother, Sister Archives: My son and my daughter. Pencil on paper, 11″ x 15″
May 22, 2016DRAWINGS, Portraits Cele When I posted my collage of drawings and paintings of my favorite Moms for Mothers Day (Moms) it was pointed out that […]
May 15, 2016DRAWINGS, Portraits Linda I never could get a good image of this to post. It’s dark on purpose but that makes it hard to show […]
May 8, 2016DRAWINGS, PAINTINGS, Portraits Moms For mother’s day: a collage of drawings and paintings I have done over the years of my favorite moms. Top (L-R): my […]
May 1, 2016DRAWINGS, Portraits Couple I was experimenting with water soluble pencils and did this. I’m not particularly happy with the way it turned out but I’m […]
April 10, 2016DRAWINGS, Portraits Old Rancher Friends of mine were in east Texas, met an elderly couple at a diner and started up a conversation which they greatly […]
March 27, 2016DRAWINGS, Portraits Asian Festival Another drawing I had around the studio and realized I had never posted it. It’s from several years ago and I don’t […]
February 22, 2016DRAWINGS, Portraits Lillie’s Granddaughter The granddaughter of a co-worker friend. Pencil and chalk on paper, 8″ x 10″
February 7, 2016DRAWINGS, Portraits Mod Bod 2016 and 1970 I don’t usually post nudes on this site but I’m making an exception for this one. While moving things around in […]