December 17, 2017DRAWINGS, Religious Sleepers Awake! This started out as an illustration for a concert. Our church choir performed Bach’s Cantata 140 and a few other selections at […]
April 16, 2017PAINTINGS, Religious Mary! This painting is based on John 20:11-16, especially verse 16. It is dedicated to a high school classmate and good friend, Mike […]
March 20, 2016DRAWINGS, Religious A Journey To The Cross I was asked to come up with art for a religious concert. The event, titled, “A Journey to the Cross with Jesus,” […]
June 17, 2014DRAWINGS, Religious Trinity Sunday – color Some people asked to see the color version of the Trinity Sunday image. Computer illustration
September 12, 2010July 22, 2011CARTOONS, Religious Getting Into Heaven Apparently, this guy is not a Lutheran.
December 21, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS, Religious I Made It To Heaven Always be careful what you say…and when…and to whom.
August 11, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS, Religious Heavenly Loophole? Some of us can only hope we’ll get in with a little outside help.