Your Favorite Paintings

The results are in for your favorite painting posted on this website. This has been a lot of fun. Thanks so much for everyone who participated.

Hike With GrandDad

Hike With GrandDad was the clear winner; 4 times as many votes as second place. And, like I did for your favorite cartoons and favorite drawings, I’ve combined the other favorites into ranges of votes received and listed them alphabetically in each tier.

Second Tier:
Boy Wonder, First Father First Son, First Grader, Young Steer

Third Tier:
Arno and Phillip, Blue Indian, Chuck Berry, Desert Sip, Desert Sip 2, Faces, First Trip To The Beach, Flamingos, Girl in Orange Shadows, Indian Mother and Child

Others Getting Votes:
Girl Swinging, Jim and Myrt, No Comment, Rinsing Hair – Red, Sandlot Softball, Vodka and Big Red

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