I recently posted a sampling of the planning stages for the fairy mural. Now I’ll let you in on how it went to actually put it on the walls. I’ll continue with the fairy restfully napping in the basket.
First, I printed the computer images and taped them to the wall where I thought they might go. It seemed fitting that the napping fairy go next to the light switch. Another fairy reading a book went near a book shelf, and so on.
Once all the images were where I wanted them I put carbon paper behind them and traced them onto the wall.
Next, I used a paint pen to draw the lines. I actually spent too much time doing this since many of the lines would be obscured when doing the coloring and I would need to go over them again anyway. I could have been more judicious of what to draw or what to leave until later.
To tie the scenes together around the room I created a “horizon” that led to the next drawing and added some leaves of grass. The flowers are not random; they match flowers in nearby room accessories such as drapes, wall hangings, etc. Finally, with the color added I went back and enhanced the lines.
All that was left was a little touch up and eliminating excess pencil lines, etc.
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