September 17, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS Last Seat Surely you’re not thinking this happens only to you.
September 12, 2009September 17, 2009DRAWINGS, Portraits Four Dentists Four generations of dentists in one family. Impressive. So they wanted me to do some portraits for them. They are all separate […]
September 7, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS, Sports and Recreation Immobile Ref Believe me. I’ve seen worse.
September 2, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS, Science, Health, Weather, Sports and Recreation Bubbles On the list of things for grandkids to ponder:
August 28, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS, Fantasy Darth Bather Another grandkid request: “What do you want me to draw?” “Darth Vader!” “What do you want him to be doing?” “Fighting a […]
August 23, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS Care For A Peanut? In some situations you just don’t know what to say.
August 17, 2009September 17, 2009DRAWINGS, Portraits Brother Sister Love Color pencil on color paper, 10″ X 15″
August 11, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS, Religious Heavenly Loophole? Some of us can only hope we’ll get in with a little outside help.
August 3, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS, Political, Justice, Media Open Debate Ever been in one of those email political discussions that gets out of hand? Sure you have.
July 28, 2009July 23, 2011CARTOONS, Sports and Recreation We’re Number One? Hook’em, Gig’em, Guns Up…many colleges display hand gestures in support of their athletic teams. That might not be a good idea for […]